Variaties Op Een Dame / Variations on a Lady

Produktie: Cees Schrama. Techniek: Albert Kos Opgenomen in de Wisseloord Studio's te Hilversum, augustus 1978 Polydor: LP 2925072 / LP 2417330 (outside Holland) MC 3167072 / MC 3195209 (outside Holland) CD 825071-2
- Aoife (Erik Visser) 6:25 mp3
- Voorspel in Sofia (Peter Weekers / Erik Visser) 7:03 mp3
- April 3rd (Erik Visser) 5:34 mp3
- Oneven Wals (Peter Weekers) 7:12 mp3
- Variaties op een Dame (Erik Visser) 21:22 mp3
- Dubbelspel (Erik Visser) 1:23 mp3
Flairck's first album. Aoife is a lullaby written for the birth of Mary Coughlan's daughter. ('Aoife' is Gaelic for 'Eve'.) Sofia's Foreplay: a reflection of an amourous event in a big city in Eastern Europe. April 3rd: played for the first time on that date in 1977 in a church during the wedding of the piano-player/composer Jolyon Jackson and his bride Theresa. Odd Waltz: in which the three-fourth bar is used as the building stone in a rhythmically unusual construction. The piece Variations on a Lady nearly covers the whole B-side and is one of the eldest compositions of Flairck. It is written for a female violinist and exists of two parts that are separated by a violin solo. Doubles is a short guitar duet.
Erik Visser - twaalf- en zessnarige gitaar, sitar, mandoline en mandola
Peter Weekers - dwarsfluit, piccolo, panfluit, bamboefluit
Judy Schomper - viool, altviool
Hans Visser - akoestische basgitaar, klassieke gitaar, twaalfsnarige gitaar
Fred Krems (op "Variaties op een Dame") - vibrafoon, marimba, klokkenspel, gong, bekkens